Thank You for Supporting Our Annual Light Up A Life Gala
The Crisis

Most of Florida’s youth in poverty will never complete college.

Low-income and minority children face insurmountable obstacles that make finishing high school difficult and going to college almost impossible. Right now, almost 60% of Florida children are living in poverty and the numbers are increasing every year.

Less than half of high school students living in poverty will graduate high school. Of those that do graduate, only half will attend college.

tsic student icon

College graduates are less likely to be unemployed and will earn an average of $10,000-$16,000 more a year over those students who only finish high school.

Student icon

Our comprehensive wraparound services start as early as middle school, continue through high school and, most importantly, remain through postsecondary completion.




Providing underserved youth with a caring volunteer adult mentor and role model focused on the development of life skills and academic success.

College Readiness &
Success Coaching

Take Stock in Children focuses on engaging middle and high school students with college and career-focused professional coaching and support services.


Take Stock in Children provides scholars with postsecondary transition services and degree/certification attainment coaching for success in college, career, and life.

Our Focus is on Results

  • College graduates are less likely to be unemployed and will earn an average of $10,000-$16,000 more a year over those students who only finish high school.


  • A statewide study has shown that Take Stock’s students have a 14% better high school graduation rate than the Florida average and a 31% higher rate than their at-risk peer group. They also have a 33% higher college graduation rate than the Florida average and a 41% higher rate than their at-risk peer group.*

*A statewide study 2011 Florida Legislature


  • Public and private support helps Take Stock to break the cycle of poverty and help worthy Nassau County Students achieve their dreams.
Keeping Our Promise

To Our Students

To ensure that students graduate from high school and earn their four-year tuition scholarship we promise our students:


    • Weekly meetings with a caring mentor
    • Personalized college readiness support
    • Guidance in meeting their TSIC contract obligations to:
        • Maintain good attendance and behavior records
        • Meet TSIC’s GPA requirement
        • Attend college readiness programs
        • Remain crime and drug free

To Our Donors

We promise our donors to maximize their investment in our students.


    • Match each scholarship donation with public dollars
    • Keep your gift local
    • Apply rigorous program entrance standards
    • Contact with students and parents annually to ensure commitment
    • Monitor student’s progress in college
    • Repurpose any unused scholarship credits for use by other students

Volunteer opportunities

Since our inception in 1996, TSICN continues to expand and is always seeking volunteers to help us with our programs and fundraising activities.


Click here if you are interested in giving the gift of your time to TSIC Nassau.

Making an Impact

Take Stock Nassau at a Glance

28+ Years of Success in Nassau County, FL

142 Scholars currently in middle high school

$6 million in scholarships granted to date

700+ Students served since 1996

Take Stock Program Graduates Complete High School

Take Stock in Children*

Non-Take Stock At-Risk Students**

Take Stock Nassau County


* Source: Successful 12th grade completers of the TSIC program within Take Stock in Children STAR Database
** Source: Florida Department of Education

Take Stock Program Graduates Enroll in College

Take Stock in Children*

Non-Take Stock At-Risk Students**

Take Stock Nassau County


 * Source: Take Stock in Children STAR Database
** Source: National Student Clearinghouse

Take Stock Program Scholars Graduate College

Take Stock in Children*

Non-TakeStock At Risk Students**

Take Stock Nassau County


 * Source: Take Stock in Children STAR Database
** Source: National Student Clearinghouse